Multilingual LAND

Consultation & Coaching

For Children Raised With Two Or More Languages

Alessia Raineri, Ph.D.
Multilingual Family Consultant
Linguist | Multilingual Acquisition Researcher | Certified Language Educator | Mother of three

Find Support And Answers For
Your Multilingual Journey

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Every family and every child are unique.

Several factors contribute to a harmonic and sustainable development of two or more languages.

You will get tailored research-based advice and private coaching that will empower your bilingual or multilingual parenting journey.


As highly mobile African parents of 3 kids (10, 8, & 4) who are exposed to at least 6 languages each day, My wife and I were delighted to work with Dr. Alessia on the language goal for our kids. She listened intently to us intently, carefully understanding our situation. She provided great analysis, useful advice, and tools that we could use to achieve our goals.
We are pleased with the results so far and we are grateful for her patience and professionalism. We would gladly recommend her to all multi-lingual families!
Edward & Retyit, Lomé (Togo)parents of three children (10, 8 and 4 y.o.)
“My husband and I were worried because our elder child was not speaking properly in any of his 4 languages (Chinese, English, Spanish and Portuguese) at 3 year old. After doing the Multilingual Development Assessment we found out that our kid was within the language norm and there wasn’t any sign of language disorder. We were so relieved! Alessia also gave us some directions that we still follow. We’ll consult her definitely again in the future if needed.”
Maria & Dani, Shangai (China)parents of Yang, the eldest of three (5 y.o.)
“We’ve been impressed with Alessia’s dedication and scientific preparation. When I was pregnant, she had given us some strong advice on how to be prepared for raising our child bilingually in Colombia. Thanks to her help I felt ready to overcome the hassles that come with being the only one who speaks a non-local language to the child.”
Claire, Bogotà (Colombia)mother of Felix (6 months old)
“As a new parent raising a Polish-American baby, I was overwhelmed by the dominance of English everywhere – at home and around us.
Alessia understood my concerns and provided me with fantastic tools to nurture my child’s heritage language.
She found research papers specific to our family situation and gave us tailored advice with a custom family language plan. Now, I not only have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding raising confident bilinguals but also the tools for success. Thanks, Alessia, for empowering our family!”
Marta, Raleigh (USA)mother of Stefan (6 months old)
“È un servizio innovativo, agile, che offre molteplici spunti di riflessione alle famiglie. Inoltre dà ottime e semplici indicazioni pratiche per attuare in casa un’educazione multilingue.”
Angela, Bergamo (Italy)mother of Igor (10 y.o.) & Jarik (14 y.o.)
“Super recomiendo trabajar con Alessia,. Tengo un bebé de 5 meses y debido a nuestra situacion personal va a estar rodeado de 5 idiomas, y esto es algo por lo que estaba muy preocupada, no sabia si seria mucho, o como debería hacerlo para causarle la menos confusion posible. Pero Gracias a Alessia ya sabemos como hacer dia a dia para ayudar a nuestro hijo a adquirir estos idiomas y a la larga entender todos ellos y hablar fluido. Ahora ya estoy muy tranquila con este tema. No dudo en hacer otra llamada en unos años para hacer un seguimiento.”
Sara, Berlin (Germany)mother of Ian (5 months old)
“Our family is a blend of Swedish and Irish but both our children are born and raised in France. I always had the idea that everything would fall easily in place and my two young children would pick up all three languages without any hurdles.
My oldest, a 7 yr old son is struggling with his French and has had a very variable experience, both good and bad going to French school. As a foreigner, I feel awkward when criticizing certain ways of teaching children here in France and am usually having the mentality – you’ve chosen to live here so if you’re not happy, be quiet or go elsewhere.
We love it here but finding a balance with all three languages has been difficult.
I am so happy I found Alessia and had the chance to meet her. She has given me the support and courage to be open and talk to the school. It is hard to know how to teach children with a different languages background and make sure they don’t fall behind just because they don’t have the same mother tongue. Alessia’s professional help has helped me communicate this to my son’s school and time will tell what will happen next but at least it has opened their eyes a bit.
With her “family language plan” I now feel comfortable knowing what we do at home and the time we give each language is good and I feel now with the new structure, my two children will have the advantage in the future to be trilingual. As so many of the new generation.
So, I can warmly recommend Alessia’s help. It is friendly, professional, well structured and clear.”
Josefine, Pey (France)mother of Rasmus, her eldest son (7 y.o.)
“A great consultation that I leave with valuable tips on how I can continue to interact with my 2-years old son to strengthen his bilingual development. Before I was often unsure how and whether to use my mother tongue in everyday life, to make him not only understand but also speak it at one point, which now seems much clearer to me.
A very good consultation, which I can gladly recommend to others.”
Jana, Saubion (France)mother of Noah, her younger son (2 y.o.)
“My younger son was born with severe sensory neural hearing loss. By the age of 3, he had received his first cochlear implant. Initially I decided not to overload him by speaking German, my native language. Following Alessia’s advice and implementing her strategy, I’ve started to communicate in German with him. I have to say that I’m very happy I finally did it! She motivated me and gave me the right tools to develop an harmonious bilingualism. Now he can already speak enough German to communicate with his grandparents!”
Franzi, Capbreton (France)mother of Kian, her younger son (10 y.o.)
“I need to thank Alessia a lot, because her meaningful consultations and coaching sessions were fundamental for me in order to transmit my native language, Italian, to my daughter Iva.
I have been facing a lot of challenges and frustrations in the last years and her advice has been very helpful.
After a lot of disappointment because Iva wasn’t responding to me in my language, today she is turning little by little into an active bilingual speaker. This big change makes me proud and happy.
Alessia was able to bring things to my attention that I wasn’t aware of. Her valuable suggestions made a huge difference in my interaction with her.
Now Iva can communicate freely with the Italian side of our family. Her grandmother has never been so happy to share moments with her!
Alessia’s passion for multilingual development and raising truly shines through. I would come back to her if I need more advice in the future. The way is long, but now I am sure: I won’t give up!”
Silvia, Soustons (France)mother of Iva (4 y. o.)

What makes our method different

Harmony & Wellbeing

First of all Harmonious Multilingualism is one of our method’s pillars. Through a child-centered approach, we give priority to the child’s wellbeing and healthy interactions with all the family members.


As academics, we apply what Research on multilingualism says. Practical advice will be proven by Research sources which will enhance parents knowledge and expectations.

Qualification & Experience

High qualification in multilingual acquisition and learning accompanied by concrete experience in raising children with multiple languages in a third culture’s country means to be familiar with all the aspects of multilingualism.

Experienced and trusted collaborators

Qualified professionals are helping us to build our Multilingual Land, like bilingual speech-therapists, language tutors, psychologists, multilingual educators and so on. We may recommend that you collaborate with them.

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