I’m Alessia Raineri
One of the world-recognised experts in multilingualism and dyslexia with a PHD at the University of Zurich, with a decade of research experience in bilingual and multilingual acquisition and with 15+ in teaching foreign languages to children and adults as a certified ISL teacher.
I’m multilingual myself and three times mum. My children are today 12, 9 and 5 years old and they are growing up as world citizens, speaking French, Italian, Flemish and English. We are based in France, close to the Atlantic coast and the Spanish border, but we are constantly on the move.
In 2024, we have been living in Hangzhou, China, where I have been guest Professor at the Zhejiang University of Technology of Hangzhou and my children went to a Chinese-English Bilingual school.
When I am not working at Multilingual Land, I am running in the forest or painting.
My dreams are manifold. One of them is to transmit to others my inner sense of curiosity for languages and diversity.
Multilingual LAND
I founded Multilingual LAND as a passion project that unifies my academic knowledge, my extensive experience in applied linguistics and my motherhood practise.
Consultations based on my research method
With the families I am work with, I apply the research method of my own ph.D work.
I first make an in depth analysis about all the factors involved in a multilingual child’s specific family situation. Then I give a tailored advise and a unique Family Language Plan.
Multilingual Development Screening for Language Delay
I am also trained to make multilingual development screenings with research-based parenting questionnaires (MacArthur and Bates’s CDI adaptations in a wide range of languages).
Mediation with the school, reports, contacts and resources are also part of my services.
Our network
In Multilingual LAND, we are surrounded by professionals. My collaborators and friends are other multilingual family consultants, bilingual speech-therapists, psychologists, language teachers, school educators, neuropsychologists, neurolinguists, linguists, academics and other child-related professionals.
My engagements
Guest Professor at Zhejiang university of technology Hangzhou
Affiliated Partner (partner convenzionato) at Bimbi Italiani, Bangkok
Italian teacher at UTL, Université du Temps Libre Landes Côte Sud, Soustons
Member of Bilingualism Matters, Edinburgh
Member of Euskal Babel, Bayonne