Consultation 1:1
One-off intervention
30 minutes
It is for your family if: You want to ask some questions about bi/multilingual acquisition, learning and education.
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Value Program
2 to 3 hours Consultation 1:1
It is for your family if: You want to investigate a problem or an issue in great details or/and if you want to establish a Family Language Plan that is adapted to your life and routine.
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Full Service Program
3 to 4 months
Value Program + Coaching 1:1
It is for your family if: You want to investigate a problem or an issue in great details and you need extra help for reaching certain goals.
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Coaching 1:1
30 minutes
It is for your family if: You want to get a personalised training that will help your child foster his/her multilingual development; or you need an intermediator with educators or speech-therapists.
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Write me at [email protected] or book a FREE 10 minutes call
Consultation 1:1
One-off intervention
30 minute Consultation 1:1
You will get:
- Straightforward answers about bi/multilingual acquisition, second language learning, bi/multilingual education, atypical development in bi/multilingual children.
- Clarification on certain topics from research-based prospective.
- Directions on parental and educational choices.
- Contacts or literature resources.
Price: 60 euro
Value Program
2 to 3 hours Consultation 1:1
You will get
- 45 minute discovery consultation with one or both parents + parental questionnaire.
- Analysis of all the factors involved in your child's bi- or multilingual development, based on my own PhD's research method.
- Possibility to add documentations: School reports, speech-therapist report, interactional videos, and so forth.
- Family Language Plan (FLP)
- Contacts and resources.
- 45 minute consultation filled with Research insights, parental advice with tools and strategies, implementation of the FLP.
- Access to private community.
- Available in English, Italian, French or Spanish.
Price: 90 euro/Consultation + 45 euro FLP
Full Service Program
3 to 4 months
2 to 3 hours Consultation 1:1 + Coaching 1:1
You will get
- After analysing your current situation with research-based methods (as for the Value Program), you will be accompanied through a set of tailored informative and practical sessions, that will help your family to find a new direction or to get back on track.
- Set of coaching sessions that will empower your bilingual or multilingual family.
- Training of parental discourse strategies.
- Guidance for overcome psycholinguistic issues.
- Mediation with speech-therapists, educators or other child professionals.
- Constant follow up and support.
- Access to private community.
- Available in English, Italian, French or Spanish.
Price: on demand
Coaching 1:1
30 minutes
- Communication training for parent or caregiver.
- Talk with your child or teen, if necessary.
- Mediation with speech-therapist, schools or other institution (reports, calls, and so forth).
- Implementation or change of the Family Language Plan.
- Italia tutoring and coaching.
- Available in English, Italian, French, Spanish and (to a certain extend) German/Dutch.
Price: 39 euro